BOAB Bologna Anarchist Bookfair 5-6-7 september 2025 Parco del Fondo Comini Bologna
In recent years, on an international level, meetings dedicated to anarchist and libertarian publishing have multiplied, proving to be a fundamental opportunity for sharing and conviviality, in a continuous reassertion of self-management and face-to-face discussion. Orphaned by the Vetrina dell’editoria anarchica e libertaria di Firenze, which for almost twenty years allowed us to meet every other year, and driven by the desire to get back into the fray, we have decided to pursue what, up until now, have just been thoughts shared over a drink, or at the end of some other event, and try to organize a meeting where again we can get together, talk, discuss, eat, drink and dance. In short, where to engage in community building at a time when it is so badly needed. Some of us have known each other for a long time, while for others this is the first time working together; for sure we’ll need to roll up our sleeves, but we hope is that this is just the first in a long series of meetings!
In short, it is with great enthusiasm, a great desire to meet new people and to see old faces again, that we invite you to the Bologna Anarchist Bookfair - BOAB, on September 5-6-7, 2025, starting with a welcome evening on Friday at Circolo anarchico Berneri and then progressing on Saturday and Sunday at Fondo Comini Park (Via Fioravanti 68). In addition to book stalls, magazines, self-productions and informational materials, debates and moments of discussion are planned, with a focus on the forms and practices of contemporary anarchism, but also music, performances, workshops, games and spaces for children, food and wine, following a practice we hold dear - that of self-management, combining in-depth analysis and thought with socialization, commitment and practical arrangements with the pleasure of conviviality.
In the coming months we will be announcing the official program, all the relevant information on how to participate in the event, and in-depth resources will be shared on the issues that will be the focus of the talks and debates. We would like the meeting to be as international as possible, with the presence of publishers, contributions and collectives from other countries too, so we are issuing a call for translators, both to translate the announcements and the various written materials that will gradually be published, and for simultaneous translation during the two-day event as well. Any help in this regard is welcome, if you are available please write to us!
Biblioteca Elio Xerri (Circolo anarchico Berneri), Centro studi libertari G. Pinelli, edizioni Malamente, with the support of ReBal, Rete delle biblioteche anarchiche e libertarie
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